Dry Cedar Swamp Rd in Bourne
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Vacant, District (County) owned by BUZZARDS BAY WATER DISTRICT - 0 DRY CEDAR SWAMP RD
Imputed - Primarily Exempt (Town Of Bourne) owned by TOWN OF BOURNE - 0 DRY CEDAR SWAMP RD
Improved, District (County) owned by BUZZARDS BAY WATER DISTRICT - 0 DRY CEDAR SWAMP RD
Productive Woodland (Ch. 61a, Not Classified As Open Space, With A Forest Management Plan); Woodlots owned by INGERSOLL TUDOR G TR OF THE - 20 DRY CEDAR SWAMP RD
Multiple Houses On One Parcel owned by GREENE MARILYN J - 20-A DRY CEDAR SWAMP RD
Single Family Residential owned by GREENE DAVID S